Sunday, October 7, 2012

Round 3 day 3

Day three of infusion.  Uncomfortable day for me.  Woke up with some nausea and no appetite.  Cobra bite was itching like crazy last night and this morning and of course I cannot scratch it since it is all wrapped up.  Again, I am in the short term room, and the recliner chair is not comfortable.  I am tired today and it is not easy to sleep in.  My lower back is getting tight, cannot get comfortable.  Slept for about an hour, then hot flash woke me up.  Not a happy day today, thus far.

The anti-nausea meds are slowly kicking in, but I still do not have an appetite.  My throat is getting soar, trying to drink a lot of fluids.  They also gave me some Claritin in hopes to help with the bone pain.  It is an experimental thing, so not sure if it will work.  But, open to trying anything to tame the pain.

Seems like the side effects are kicking in early this time.  Guess I'll be starting my side effects diet early this time. Gathering all my supplies to get through my three days of full blown side effects HELL.
Provisions for side effects.
A nice simple diet of cream of wheat, toast, apple sauce, fluids and drugs.  And, yet I haven't lost any weight during treatment, which the doctor says is good.

After two rounds we have come up with a game plan that seems to keep me as comfortable as possible for the worst of the side effects (which mainly entails making me sleep a lot).  It is very similar to round two's game plan with a few tweaks.  Still there are a couple of unknowns (like which major bone group the Nuelasta is going to work its magic this time - even money on the arms, first round went to the skull/spine, second round fibula/tibia/ankles - odds for going back to those areas, hmmm, I'd say 10-1; come Monday we shall see).


  1. can we request a better throwing arm as the end result? i'd like to see you playing 3b next season. i'm just sayin...... :-)

  2. I'll kick him for you next time I see him. Besides, I'd miss you next to me if I'm at 1st and I'd selfishly want to be playing 3rd if he moved you there. Hugs!
