Monday, April 22, 2013

Itchy to Stay

Finally had my appointment with the dermatologist for the hives.  Basically, there is not any way to actually determine what exactly is causing my hives and rashes.  I told her that I have not been having as many reactions these days.  She thinks this is a good sign, hopefully they will eventually go away.  However, there is not a timeline for how long they will hang around.  It could be as short as a few more months or a few years.  Only time will tell.  The doctor said the best we can do is try to make me as comfortable as possible when I do have breakouts.  She suggested a new game plan, I will take the Claritin in the morning, along with the Zantac.  Then, in the evenings when I have a breakout she prescribed Hydroxyzine - a stronger antihistamine that I can take about an hour before bedtime.  She also prescribed a topical cream to put on the affected areas - Clobetasol.

In the meantime, I am going to avoid cranberries, blueberries, and fresh tomatoes for a little while.  Those foods tend to lead to breakouts.  To prove a point to myself, I had a bunch of cranberries before my appointment today.  I had not had any for almost a month and I had not had any serious breakouts.  But, today I was breaking out like crazy - arms, neck and back.  Now I have to endure the the crazy itchiness for a few days as the cranberries move out of my system.  Oh, yay!

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