Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A little origami

O'dark thirty, we head to the hospital for today's procedure.  We arrive at 6:15am and start with admissions.  It is the day before a holiday and the hospital is busy.  After I am checked in, they escort me up to the third floor waiting room.  A nurse comes out to get me and I must have had fear in my eyes because she immediately went into gentle voice mode.  I tell her, "I know what happens behind those doors."  She does her best to lighten the mood and coax me back to the pre-op area.  I follow her back and we start getting me ready.  I brought Southpaw with me for some moral support and some amusement.
Southpaw checking the nurse's work.
Southpaw getting into trouble.
In between all our shenanigans, various doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist come by and ask me a barrage of questions and explain what will be happening today (a little origami).  It is almost 8:30am now, and one of the anesthesiologists gives me something we dubbed Ativan's cousin which made me very loopy very quickly and then they wheeled me to the operating room.

They wake me up, it is a little after 10am.  Everything went well.  I have a small bandage over the area they worked on.  I am not in any pain.  This is all good.  I do have a sore throat from the breathing tube but other than that, no pain.  Yay!!

They wheel me to the recovery room.  The nurse tells me I can go home when I am able to get up and walk to the bathroom to pee.  Next, she brings me apple juice, water, and ice chips.  All that and the IV fluids I am still hooked up to, this pee thing should happen soon.  
Not really helping me, is he.
I am still groggy, so I doze off for a bit.  About an hour or so later, I am ready to pee.  We take care of business and get me going on my way.

It is lunch time, I am starving (have not eaten in over 12 hours).  We stop for pizza on the way home.
Needle buddies get hungry too.

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