Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reconstruction Eve

Hoping for the Best, Expecting the Worst...

At this point in the journey I have learned to go with the flow.  A bit of anxiety is setting in as I prepare for tomorrow's surgery part one of the reconstruction process - exchange of tissue expander for permanent breast implant.  The hockey puck that has been sitting in my chest for the past eight months is finally coming out.  Woo hoo!!  This is the good feeling I have.  The bad is again the not knowing how my body will feel when I wake up from surgery.  The last time wasn't very pleasant.  I have been told by the doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff that this procedure is not going to be as hard on my body as the first.  We shall all see.  One thing I have realized on my journey is that my body is not the norm and I take much of what people say with a grain of salt.  In about 24 hours we will all know the truth.

Here is what they say I should expect:  some chest wall discomfort, swelling and bruising which may take up to two weeks for full recovery.  There is a possibility of drains again, but will not know until time of surgery.  The incisions will initially appear as fine lines.  They will thicken over the course of the first month before they flatten and fade.  Scars take six to twelve months to fully mature.  The skin may feel numb and may partially resolve over the course of several months to years.  I'll be able to take short walks after surgery, but won't be doing much more for at least the first month.  I also should not push or pull with my arm for at least two weeks, and won't be able to lift more than eight pounds.  Blah, just when I was getting my energy back and enjoying doing more activities I have to go back to square one.

I guess in the grand scheme of things it's not so bad.  One day at a time and every day is a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Let us know when we can come over and do dishes and other fun stuff at your abode!!! Stay strong. We ARE here. One day at a time... you are wise.
